dmenuA personal fork of dmenu, the suckless X menu.
dotfilesAn over-engineered collection of config files, managed with GNU Stow.13 months
dvtmA personal fork of dvtm, the suckless dynamic virtual terminal manager.
dwmA personal fork of dwm, the suckless window manager.
stA personal fork of st, the suckless terminal.2 years
casesWell-known split keyboard cases with some personal modifications.2 years
qmk_firmwareFork of QMK firmware with personal profiles.2 years
gitgud[mirror] Timetravelling 101 with git and GitHub
cvCurriculum vitae.
sitePersonal website.2 years
wikiMarkdown-based wiki managed via PicoCMS and Nextcloud.
ACQuAOWL reasoner for CQ answering combining RSAComb, PAGOdA and a sprinkle of HermiT...
RSACombRe-implementation of the combined approach for CQ answering over RSA ontologies18 months
backupboxA portable box to quickly backup your daily pictures.
joyceRecord your thoughts as they come.20 months
panglerA tangler for Literate Programming with Pandoc16 months
raccoonA secret project with the TIC-80 fantasy console12 months
rubikA 2x2 Rubik's cube visualizer for Clingo, built with Three.js21 months
sandyA vim-like terminal text editor in OCaml.3 months
aocSolution for Advent of Code 20XX.4 months
exercismCollection of solutions to exercises from months
tic80-snippetsA collection of libraries/examples/snippets for the TIC-80 fantasy console.
mythic.nvimNeovim assistant for the Mythic Adventure Generator.4 months
neovim-tasksA fork of Neovim plugin 'Shatur/neovim-tasks'.3 months